Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Adventure Time: Memory of a Memory

Here's last night's Adventure Time. A Rag Wizard convinces Finn and Jake that Marceline cast a sleep sell on herself and Finn and Jake go into Marceline's mind see old memories (like Marceline's dad eating her fries as mentioned in "It Came from the Nightospere") or for the first time, you see Marceline's ex-boyfriend Ash. Though they broke up because Ash sold Marceline's favorite stuffed bear Hambo. Finn and Jake find the memory but they find out some shocking news: the Rag Wizard is really ASH, and the sleep spell was a lie, and what memory Finn and Jake brought out was the memory of their BREAKUP. Later at Ash's place. Finn blows the memory dusk at Marceline and she's in Finn's mind (she even saw Finn doing a dance when a baby, it's really funny). But anyway Finn show's Marceline the memory and get's out of his mind and thn you should she what she does to Ash. Find out in this video. CHECK IT OUT!


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